A song to sing ~ A story to tell ~
A song to sing ~ A story to tell ~
Jennifer Armstrong has spent her life writing, singing and making music with fiddle, bagpipe, banjo and words. She is a storyteller, singer, instrumentalist, poet and published author with humor, warmth and grace. She works as an artist-in-residence in folk arts, storytelling and writing as well as a private teacher and a performer across the country. Jennifer was a featured teller at the National Storytelling Festival, has been heard on NPR and has music recordings and published books to her credit. She makes her home in Asheville, North Carolina.
To all folks in the future who are thinking about inviting Jennifer Armstrong into their schools for storytelling workshops, performances and general merriment: Do It!
As one student said, "She made me feel like I could do anything."
What a place to start!
~ 10th grade teacher at St. Andrews School in Sewanee, Tennessee
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Two Ways to Share the Music
Music for the Classroom
Teachers! Subscribe and get songs, dances, stories and quiet time activities for your class. Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Music & Stories for You
Private online concerts for adults with songs and stories to nourish the soul. Behind the scenes stories of the freelance life of a musician.